"All the children delivered the course with a reasonable charge, the course is very effective for the students after the course, but parents should make a follow up to ensure that the effects of continuous and never embraced continuity". www.ajmal.my
Ajmal in collaboration with Riverstone Resort will host "SUPERTEEN CAMP @ RIVERSTONE" when filling the next school holidays.
This camp is open to all children aged 9 to 16 years (male and female)
The purpose of this workshop was to establish our young children to high self-esteem and charisma in determining the future direction of life.
Information camps are as follows:
1. Date: 10 December 2010 11.12 (3H2M)
2. Venue: Riverstone Resort, Sungai Tua
3. Fees: RM220 perperson
1. Date: 10 December 2010 11.12 (3H2M)
2. Venue: Riverstone Resort, Sungai Tua
3. Fees: RM220 perperson
This special program will take a special appearance YBhg Dr Redzuan Tee Abdullah on the second day workshop will be aided by a motivator as well as an experienced and knowledgeable.
Ajmal expect me as the young kids we will have a new knowledge that is useful to them and rarely available out there in line in human form that is useful in the future.
So parents not to let this opportunity and register your children are you to participate in this workshop.
All Ajmal secretariat is responsible for providing a quality equivalent to a workshop organized by the workshop that is due to other professional groups.
Please register by www.ajmal.my directly to the administrators or phone entries specified in the website.
The most remarkable part about the Super-Teen Camp is that it understands that education is not only about the pursuit of academic excellence; it is also about the development of leadership abilities, concern for the community and resilience in times of difficulty.
4 element will be focused:
- Acedamic (Islamic knowledge) skill
- Personal skill
- Social skill
- The Challenge of Excellence
Positive Inner Motivation
They will learn to live each moment of the day fully by breaking through limiting self-images and negative attitudes. They will learn specific techniques that can be put to use immediately to renew and re-energise themselves. Throughout the program, teens will continuously build a strong positive self-image and energy that will inspire them to new heights of achievement. Our Resources are always on hand with high spirits and positive reinforcement to ensure their success in this program.
Courage and Self-Confidence
For many, this is one of the most impacting and gratifying experiences of their lives to help them be their best. The teens will feel total care, trust and support. They'll learn how to break moods & habits that are hurting them. With new increased confidence, their results will also be improved.
Time Management
Teens will be taught proper planning of their time; When to play, when to enjoy, when to study and even how much time to sleep. With better time management, their lives will become more organised and disciplined.
Stress Control
They will gain specific strategies to handle the stress of conflict, anger and difficult situations. By learning how to bring about more balance into your lives, they will begin to enhance their physical, mental and creative abilities. There will also be beautifully structured exercises that will guide students to a state of relaxation and positive mind, especially during examinations.
Problem Solving & Decision Making Techniques
Six powerful step-by-step techniques that will enable the student to analyse the situation, identify the problem, evolve solutions creatively and formulate alternative strategies to reach the desired state.
Solving problems will thus become exciting challenges and be used as a learning experience to re-establish their directions in life.
Here the human aspect of development is aptly incorporated into the program for this very reason.
Family Relationships
Teens will understand and realise the importance of having family. They will come to be in touch with themselves and in certain cases, be transformed.
Teens will understand and realise the importance of having family. They will come to be in touch with themselves and in certain cases, be transformed.
Developing Leadership Skills
Understanding the various styles of leadership and its influence in different situations. With more choices, teens can develop more flexibility for maximum group performance.
Understanding the various styles of leadership and its influence in different situations. With more choices, teens can develop more flexibility for maximum group performance.
How to influence People and Win Friends
Your effectiveness depends on the co-operation you get from others. Teens will learn how to build rapport, high self-esteem and present themselves in a more powerful image as a leader that will inspire others.
Your effectiveness depends on the co-operation you get from others. Teens will learn how to build rapport, high self-esteem and present themselves in a more powerful image as a leader that will inspire others.
These strategies will make people pull together and unite behind common objectives.
People and Communication Skills
They will gain valuable ideas and experience on how to assert themselves, express themselves, listen to others, win their co-operation and learn to establish mutually enriching friendships.
They will gain valuable ideas and experience on how to assert themselves, express themselves, listen to others, win their co-operation and learn to establish mutually enriching friendships.
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